Help: Student Account History


The Account History page displays all transactions posted to your student account in chronological order with the oldest transaction at the top of the grid. For your convenience, a running total is displayed in the far right column for each transaction posted to your student account.

Field Descriptions

Account History Page
Letter Field/Section Description
A Account Balance The Account Balance is the current sum total of all student account activity.
B Posted Date The date the transaction was posted to your student account.
C Item The description of the transaction.
D Due Date If the transaction is a charge to your student account, the date the charge is/was due is displayed.
E Term The term for which the transaction was posted.
F Charge/Payment/Refund The amount of the transaction displays in either the Charge, Payment, or Refund column, depending on the type of transaction.
G Running Total The balance on your student account after the transaction has been posted to your account.
H Links

For your convenience, we have provided links to other student business pages.

You would simply click a link, or click the drop-down menu in the go to... field and select a page you want to visit.

Related Help Topics

Contact Information

Visit the Student Financial Services website at or email

Telephone:  (734) 764-7447        
Toll Free:  (877) 840-4738 (From within the U.S. and Canada ONLY)

Campus address:
Student Financial Services
2226 Student Activities Building
515 E. Jefferson
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1316