Work under the direction of an investigator in cardiovascular research to achieve the goals of a sponsored project in a laboratory setting. The overall goal of the project is to develop new treatments for patients with heart muscle disorders (primarily hypertrophic, arrhythmogenic, and other types of inherited cardiomyopathy). These disorders are a cause of heart failure, arrhythmias, and sudden death in both children and adults. The lab uses a range of model systems to better understand these conditions and to develop and test treatments. In particular, we use human cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). We engineer these cell lines with CRISPR technologies and are testing gene therapy and other approaches. These projects involve a significant amount of molecular biology, cloning, cell culture, and microscopy. This position will be responsible for 1) performing molecular biology techniques, including cloning, biochemical assays, PCR, RNA/DNA extractions, etc., 2) performing cardiomyocyte cell culture techniques, including re-plating cardiomyocytes onto engineered substrates for subsequent live cell microscopy, 3) performing microscopic analyses both for live cardiomyocyte tissues and for fixed immunofluorescence quantifications. The position will include some back-up responsibilities for other roles in the lab, mouse colony handling and regular iPSC culture.