The newly established research lab of Dr. Herman Fung in the Department of Cell & Developmental Biology (CDB) and the Life Sciences Institute (LSI), University of Michigan, is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to explore human structural cell biology together using cryo-EM and cryo-ET with a focus on chromatin and nuclear structures during development (
Qualified applicants will have experience in cell, structural or computational biology and a passion for applying and/or developing diverse tools for understanding gene regulatory mechanisms in differentiating cells in vitro and in situ.
The CDB and LSI offer an excellent environment for interdisciplinary stem cell research with exceptional cryo-EM/ET capabilities, including two Titan Krios, a Talos Artica, a Glacios, a cryo-Stellaris confocal microscope, and a PRIMO system. The Fung lab has extensive expertise in developing correlative cryo-ET workflows, and combining X-ray crystallography, single-particle cryo-EM, biochemistry and biophysics to dissect protein-nucleic acid systems.